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2006 Annual Business Meeting

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As submitted by Kathy Bowman 11/7/06 with edits by Pepi Acebo 11/21/06


AGENDA Mike Schwab presented the agenda. Mary Ann Somervill moved, Kathy Charles seconded to approve the agenda. Motion passed.

2005 GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES Kathy Bowman presented minutes from last year’s meeting. Kathy C. moved, Kevin Miller seconded to approve the minutes. Motion passed.

SUMMARY OF PAST YEAR Pepi discussed what CU2C2 did last year:

  1. An inside cover color ad was run in the UU World magazine.
  2. We had a booth and staff at GA, set up by Ellen Chulak from Murray Grove and Michael.
  3. CU2C2 printed three thousand posters for distribution to congregations. The posters feature a map of the continent which identifies UUA Districts, CUC Regions, and CU2C2 member camps and conferences. Distribution is on-going. 750 have been distributed through LREDA to RE Directors.
  4. CU2C2 printed and mailed the flyer for this conference.
  5. CU2C2 assisted U-bar-U in planning this conference.
  6. In February we held a meeting for camp directors, CU2C2 board members, and U-bar-U board members to plan this conference and share ideas.

TREASURER’S REPORT Mike presented the report submitted by Dee Dumont, who was unable to attend due to conflicts.

2006 BudgetActual to Date*Proposed 2007 Budget
Income 9000 9109 9000
Admin. 1000 0 1000
Conference2500 564 2500
GA 2000 623 2000
Outreach 500 0 500
Promotions3000 1312 2000

* January 1, 2006, through October 25, 2006

Mike reported that the treasurer recommends adopting the same budget for 2007 and allowing the board to adjust down based on income.

Discussed budget items & what they represent. Administration is payment to UU Rowe Conference Center for administrative support. Conference is contingency for CU2C2 Annual Conference & Meeting expenses, travel expenses, and scholarship requests. General Assembly includes booth space and expenses, program ad, workshop fees, and staffing expenses, if any. Outreach is a contingency assistance fund for camps in need. Promotions includes UU World Advertising, Poster, and other ads and promotions, if any.

Kevin moved, Pepi seconded, to approve the 2006 budget for 2007.

Discussion: Pepi said we can cut back promotions expense since we will not need to reprint the poster in 2007. Kathy Charles said flyer was a waste of money because it came too late. Steve said we should have contingent income and contingent expense since there are still some unknowns.

Pepi moved, Mary Ann seconded, to amend the motion to reduce Promotions by $1000 and to reduce Conference by $1000, changing the proposed 2007 total income and expenses to $7000. Amendment approved.

Ray moved, Johno seconded, to amend the motion to make this a planned budget. Amendment approved.

Motion approved:

2007 Planned Budget*
Income $7000
Expense $7000
Administration 1000
Conference 1500
General Assembly 2000
Outreach 500

* January 1, 2007, through December 31, 2007

Johno moved, Mary Ann seconded, that we don’t spend more than we have. Motion approved.

LETTER FROM CRAIG LENTZ Mike read a letter from Craig about an upcoming meeting of landed camp directors in December 2006. Discussion followed. It was suggested that we write a resolution in response to this letter. Johno, Pepi, Mary Ann, & Clarice volunteered to work on this for the group to approve at a later time.

ELECTIONS Kathy Bowman’s position on the board is still ongoing. Pepi Acebo & Dee Dumont’s positions have expired, and they have agreed to continue. Mike asked for nominations from the floor. Gretchen nominated Clarice Turney. Pepi nominated Kevin Miller. Kathy Charles nominated Jon Durbin. Kevin nominated Pippi Kessler. Mary Ann moved, Kathy B. seconded, to elect the slate: Pepi, Dee, Clarice, Kevin, Jon, Pippi. Motion carried.

CU2C2 2007 Pepi proposed holding CU2C2 at SWIM during the 2007 SWIM conference, probable Dec. 27-30. Discussion followed. We need to notify people very early, so they can plan. Kathy Charles moved to hold the annual meeting concurrent with SWIM, with information going out to participants by January 1, 2007. Approved.

GA Mary Ann Somervill may be able to help sit at the CU2C2 table at GA.

Meeting was continued until 1 p.m. Saturday to approve the resolution.

Saturday afternoon, the working group presented a Resolution in Response to Letter from Craig Lentz for approval. After minor edits, the resolution was approved unanimous consent of delegates present.

Meeting Adjourned.

Resolution in Response to Letter from Craig Lentz

The delegates of the Council of Unitarian Universalist Camps and Conferences, an Independent Affiliate of the Unitarian Universalist Association, received a memo from Craig Lentz during our Annual Meeting indicating the desire of the Executive Directors of some landed camps to form their own organization. A copy is attached for reference.

We, the Council, are concerned about this proposal and are offering the following comments and recommendations.

The Council, including board members and staff of landed camps, recognizes that the distinction between landed and non-landed camps is not strong enough to classify our camps and conferences into separate organizations. For example, few of our landed camps have full-time Executive Directors and some of our non-landed camp staff are compensated. Some of our landed camps have few facilities. Some of our non-landed camps are heavily involved in facility concerns. On the other hand, all camps and conferences have interests in good programming, especially safe, excellent programming for children and youth. Some of our non-landed camps do more in terms of marketing, outreach, and staff training than some of our landed camps. Through our differences and similarities, we are able to compare notes across all of our programs and raise the bar across our denomination.

We believe it continues to be important for all the camps and conferences to remain in the same organization and to work together on our common and separate issues.

We see a distinction between the recognized need to form a new professional organization for Executive Directors and an initiative to form a separate organization for landed camps that is not completely supported, even by board members and staff of landed camps.

We understand that there are issues which the professional directors wish to address only with other professional directors. Therefore, we propose that there be a professional directors’ caucus of CU2C2 which could caucus at our annual meeting or at other convenient times. Moreover, we would support an independently formed directors’ organization, similar to the UUMA or LREDA, independently affiliated to the UUA through an umbrella organization for UU professionals.

We encourage the Board of Trustees, the President, and the Moderator of the UUA to support the camp directors in forming an organization (independent or otherwise) to meet their professional interests, and discourage applications to have this professional organization represent camps for the purposes of independent affiliation with the UUA.

We, the Council, are authorizing the board of CU2C2 to engage the UUA, the Executive Directors meeting, and member camps and conferences to strengthen service to the non-landed and landed camps and conferences through a continuing partnership that focuses on equitable dialogue and results for all.

As submitted by Kathy Bowman 11/7/06


AGENDA Mike Schwab presented the agenda. Mary Ann moved, Kathy Charles seconded to approve the agenda. Motion passed

2005 GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES Kathy Bowman presented minutes from last year’s meeting. Kathy C. moved, Kevin Miller seconded to approve the minutes. Motion passed.

SUMMARY OF PAST YEAR Pepi discussed what CU2C2 did last year:

  1. An inside cover color ad was run in the UU World magazine.
  2. We had a booth and staff at GA, set up by Ellen Chulak from Murray Grove and Michael.
  3. Pepi designed a poster with a map of the continent which identifies UUA districts and CU2C2 retreats and conference centers. They were sent to each retreat/conference center, and RE directors, handed out at GA, and we still have copies to send to congregations.
  4. Pepi designed the flyer for this conference. Kathy C. mentioned that the flyer was very late and probably didn’t get results because of the timing factor.
  5. CU2C2 assisted U-bar-U in planning this conference.
  6. In February we held a meeting for camp directors, CU2C2 board members, and U-bar-U board members to plan this conference and share ideas.

TREASURER’S REPORT Mike presented the report submitted by Dee Dumont, who was unable to attend due to conflicts.

2006 BudgetActual2007 Budget
Income 9000 9109 9000
Admin. 1000 1000
Conference2500 564 2500
GA 2000 623 2000
Outreach 500 0 500
Promotions3000 1312 2000

Discussed budget items, & what they represent. Kevin moved, Pepi seconded, to approve the budget for 2007. Discussion: Pepi said we can cut back promotions expense since there will be no poster produced. Kathy C. noted flyer was a waste of money because it came too late. Steve said we should have contingent income and contingent expense since there are still some unknowns.

Pepi moved, Marianne seconded to make an amendment to the motion, to change the budget to $7000 income, change Promotions to $1000 and change conference to $1500. Amendment approved.

Ray moved, Johno seconded to make this a planned budget. Voted to approve making this the amended planned budget.

Johno moved, Marianne seconded that we don’t spend more than we have. Motion approved.

REPORT FROM CRAIG Mike read a letter from Craig about an upcoming meeting of landed camp directors in December 2006. Discussion followed. It was suggested that we write a resolution in response to this letter. Johno, Pepi, Marianne, & Kathy volunteered to work on this for the group to approve at a later time this week.

ELECTIONS Kathy Bowman’s position on the board is still ongoing. Pepi Acebo & Dee Dumont’s positions have expired, and they have agreed to continue. Mike asked for nominations from the floor. Gretchen nominated Clarice Turney. Pepi nominated Kevin Miller. Kathy Charles nominated Jon Durbin. Kevin nominated Pippi Kessler. Marianne moved, Kathy B. seconded, to elect the slate: Pepi, Dee, Clarice, Kevin, Jon, Pippi. Motion carried.

CU2C2 2007 Pepi proposed holding CU2C2 at SWIM during the 2007 SWIM conference, probable Dec. 27-30. Discussion followed. We need to notify people very early, so they can plan. Kathy Charles moved to hold the annual meeting concurrent with SWIM, with information going out to participants by January 1, 2007.

GA Marianne may be able to help sit at the CU2C2 table at GA.

Meeting was adjourned until 1 p.m. Saturday to approve the resolution.

Suggested Changes -- Pepi Acebo 11/9/06

Mary Ann Somervill's name is misspelled in several spots.

Under Summary of Past Year, it's not about me, it's about CU2C2. 3. Pepi designed a poster with a map of the continent which identifies UUA districts and CU2C2 retreats and conference centers.

should read

3. CU2C2 printed three thousand posters for distribution to congregations. The posters feature a map of the continent which identifies UUA Districts, CUC Regions, and CU2C2 member camps and conferences. Distribution is on-going. 750 have been distributed through LREDA to RE Directors.

and, perhaps more simply,

4. CU2C2 printed and mailed the flyer for this conference.

Perhaps delete item 5, since it is already covered in item 6.

The numbers and meaning are off in the treasurer's report and in the motions that follow. Here are my suggested corrections.

TREASURER’S REPORT Mike presented the report submitted by Dee Dumont, who was unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts.

2006 Budget Actual to Date*
Income $9000 $9109
Expense $9000 $2499
Administration 1000 0
Conference 2500 564
General Assembly 2000 623
Outreach 500 0
Promotions 3000 1312

* January 1, 2006, through October 25, 2006

Mike reported that the treasurer recommends adopting the same budget for 2007 and allowing the board to adjust down based on income.

Discussed budget items & what they represent. Administration is payment to UU Rowe Conference Center for administrative support. Conference is contingency for CU2C2 Annual Conference & Meeting expenses, travel expenses, and scholarship requests. General Assembly includes booth space and expenses, program ad, workshop fees, and staffing expenses, if any. Outreach is a contingency assistance fund for camps in need. Promotions includes UU World Advertising, Poster, and other ads and promotions, if any.

Kevin moved, Pepi seconded, to approve the 2006 budget for 2007.

Discussion: Pepi said we can cut back promotions expense since we will not need to reprint the poster in 2007. Kathy Charles said flyer was a waste of money because it came too late. Steve said we should have contingent income and contingent expense since there are still some unknowns.

Pepi moved, Mary Ann seconded, to amend the motion to reduce Promotions by $1000 and to reduce Conference by $1000, changing the proposed 2007 total income and expenses to $7000. Amendment approved.

Ray moved, Johno seconded, to amend the motion to make this a planned budget. Amendment approved.

Motion approved:

2007 Planned Budget*
Income $7000
Expense $7000
Administration 1000
Conference 1500
General Assembly 2000
Outreach 500

* January 1, 2007, through December 31, 2007

Johno moved, Mary Ann seconded, that we don’t spend more than we have. Motion approved.

Under CU2C2 2007, someone seconded Kathy Charles' motion and motion was approved, right?

change to LETTER FROM CRAIG LENTZ Mike read a letter from Craig about an upcoming meeting of landed camp directors in December 2006. Discussion followed. It was suggested that we write a resolution in response to this letter. Johno, Pepi, Mary Ann, & Clarice volunteered to work on this for the group to approve at a later time.

Change last sentence to "Meeting was continued until 1 p.m. Saturday to approve the resolution."

And then add

Saturday afternoon, the working group presented a Resolution in Response to Letter from Craig Lentz for approval. After minor edits, the resolution was approved unanimous consent of delegates present.

Meeting Adjourned.

Resolution in Response to Letter from Craig Lentz

The delegates of the Council of Unitarian Universalist Camps and Conferences, an Independent Affiliate of the Unitarian Universalist Association, received a memo from Craig Lentz during our Annual Meeting indicating the desire of the Executive Directors of some landed camps to form their own organization. A copy is attached for reference.

We, the Council, are concerned about this proposal and are offering the following comments and recommendations.

The Council, including board members and staff of landed camps, recognizes that the distinction between landed and non-landed camps is not strong enough to classify our camps and conferences into separate organizations. For example, few of our landed camps have full-time Executive Directors and some of our non-landed camp staff are compensated. Some of our landed camps have few facilities. Some of our non-landed camps are heavily involved in facility concerns. On the other hand, all camps and conferences have interests in good programming, especially safe, excellent programming for children and youth. Some of our non-landed camps do more in terms of marketing, outreach, and staff training than some of our landed camps. Through our differences and similarities, we are able to compare notes across all of our programs and raise the bar across our denomination.

We believe it continues to be important for all the camps and conferences to remain in the same organization and to work together on our common and separate issues.

We see a distinction between the recognized need to form a new professional organization for Executive Directors and an initiative to form a separate organization for landed camps that is not completely supported, even by board members and staff of landed camps.

We understand that there are issues which the professional directors wish to address only with other professional directors. Therefore, we propose that there be a professional directors’ caucus of CU2C2 which could caucus at our annual meeting or at other convenient times. Moreover, we would support an independently formed directors’ organization, similar to the UUMA or LREDA, independently affiliated to the UUA through an umbrella organization for UU professionals.

We encourage the Board of Trustees, the President, and the Moderator of the UUA to support the camp directors in forming an organization (independent or otherwise) to meet their professional interests, and discourage applications to have this professional organization represent camps for the purposes of independent affiliation with the UUA.

We, the Council, are authorizing the board of CU2C2 to engage the UUA, the Executive Directors meeting, and member camps and conferences to strengthen service to the non-landed and landed camps and conferences through a continuing partnership that focuses on equitable dialogue and results for all.

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