$vval) { global $$vname; $$vname = $vval; // echo $$vname . "=" . $vval; } } } /* uncommented the first line, commented the second line, to get captchas to work. -Kevin Finity, 11.02.06 */ session_start(); //set_globals(); ?> CU2C2-Board - CU2C2 Member Survey

CU2C2 Member Survey

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Final survey layout: CU2C2 Member Survey.pdf

I've flipped the order of Kevin's questions to be less confrontational about "why didn't you come?" and added Pippi's question. I've also made the survey questions regarding the last conference broader, to include previous conferences. I've added "or similar organization" so that "I'd prefer to start my own organization" is not the answer. -- Pepi

Proposed CU2C2 Survey Questions with changes

In order to better serve our community of camps and conferences, the CU2C2 Board is offering this short survey in order to obtain feedback and suggestions for improving our services.

1) What services would you like to see offered by CU2C2 or a similar organization?

2) Are there services offered by CU2C2 that are (or would be) particularly useful for your organization?

3) How could CU2C2 or a similar organization best meet the needs of individuals in your role in the future?

4) How could CU2C2 or a similar organization best meet the needs of your Camp or Conference?

5) If you have attended the CU2C2 Annual Conference in the past, what did you find of value? What would you improve or discontinue?

6) If you have been unable to attend the Annual CU2C2 meeting, could you tell us why? (Inconvenient time/length, prefer to send other delegates, not enough lead time, other issues?)

Proposed CU2C2 Survey Questions

In order to better serve our community of camps and conferences, the CU2C2 Board is offering this short survey in order to obtain feedback and suggestions for improving our services.

1) If you were unable to attend the Annual CU2C2 meeting at UbarU in Texas, could you tell us why?

2) If you were in attendance at UbarU, what did you find of value? What would you improve, or discontinue?

3) How could CU2C2 best meet your needs in the future? As a Camp/Conference Director?

As a Camp/Conference Board member?

For your Camp or Conference?

4) What services would you like to see offered by CU2C2?

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