![]() The Big Picture SWIM Community SWIM Organization SWIM Programs Coming to SWIM |
SWIM 2000 Programs Evening Programs SWIM NewsEach evening, SWIM News will cover schedule changes and camp news. Friday/29th, we'll feature the views of candidates for the SWIM Board. Deadline: dinner time, day prior to each issue. Socialite HourWith the newsletter, we'll need to Circle-up for announcements just twice: before dinner on Registration Day and after breakfast on New Year's Day. So, what are we going to do with that extra half-hour before dinner? Get together around the Tree Circle and enjoy stellar conversation and planetary personalities! Serendipitous EveningsWorship - n., vt., vi., tba. Worship begins each evening. We'll explore the Circle of Life with a new chaplain this year. The Rev. Alane Cameron Miles will be coordinating worship services, offering workshops, and attending to any pastoral care needs. For worship there will be a combination of favorites - the Teen service, and the Pagan service - with new services and new faces. Enthusiastic volunteers are always welcome. Campfire - n., 1 an outdoor fire at camp 2 a social gathering around such a fire. The traditional sing-alongs and storytelling around an open fire, Owaissa Bauer style, is a short distance from the Dining Hall. Campfire starts after worship. Each night will have a different host! The campfire migrates to the Dining Hall for the Serendipity Coffeehouse at 9:30pm, Saturday/30th. Dance Workshops - n., plural, instruction and supervised practice in styles of dance. Wednesday/27th through Friday/39th, after the worship service, you can swing on by, waltz right into the ballroom, and have some fun learning the finest dancing moves! The perfect primer for New Year's. See Workshops for descriptions. Coffeehouse - n., informal performance of poetry, skits, and music. Nearly the last night, live performances will take stage. This is the grand show, so get your creative juices bubbling and get ready to let them erupt. This is our time to see and share all the diverse talent that graces our great family. Serendipity - n., an apparent aptitude for making fortunate discoveries accidentally. Serendipity at SWIM is more than music and dancing; it's an opportunity for meeting new friends and auld acquaintances every evening. Movie - n., a showing of a film. With all the living that you're planning on doing at SWIM, you'll probably want to take a break, settle for a little vicarious living, and wind a long day down with a good ol' fashion night at the Talkies, in the tent behind the Dining Hall. Titles TBA. Children's Program (Ages 3 - 10) Parents and guardians must attend orientation at 8:30am, December 27th, in the Craft Room. Contact Teddy Wheeler if you have any questions. Children three to ten are invited to join us as we explore the interconnections and circles between the people and places of the world. We will be doing lots of arts and crafts, games, and eating lots of good food! We will go to the beach, swim in the pool on campus, participate in community activities, and create an all-camp worship. We will celebrate the New Year with singing, dancing, and food. Hours of the children's program are 9am to Noon, 2pm to 5pm, and 7pm to 9pm beginning December 27th. Saturday there will be no evening programming, as it is staff night off, the evening of the SWIM Coffeehouse. Almost Teens/Jr. High Program (Ages 11 - 12) Parents and guardians must attend orientation at 8:30am, December 27th, in the Craft Room. Please contact Bruce Fiene for more information.
For ages 11 and 12 (with a year's flexibility on either end of the age range). Starting on December 27th, the hours are 9am to Noon, 1pm to 5pm and 7pm to 9pm, until 10pm on Sunday. Saturday there will be no evening programming so the staff can have the night off for the SWIM Coffeehouse.
This is an active program full of work and play, serious discussion, and serious fun. Plans include canoeing and a day at the beach, a scavenger hunt and a night of sleeping under the stars. There will be some surprise trips and outdoor discovery. We will also help create a worship service for the SWIM community, and still have time for jokes, videos, music, games, and more. Be sure to bring your favorite tapes, CDs, ideas, camping out needs, et cetera.
Teens Program (Ages 13 - 18) Teens and their parents/guardians must attend the mandatory orientation in the teen dorm at 9:30pm, Tuesday, December 26th. Contact Sienna Baskin or Britt Dunn if you have any questions.
The SWIM teen experience cannot be explained in words. Be prepared for an amazing intentional community, becoming good friends in just a few days and discovering your wacky side. We staffers are here to keep you safe and happy. We've planned activities but spontaneous fun is sure to happen!
Wednesday: The All-Day Teen Mystery Trip. Please don't register for anything else on Wednesday.
Thursday: Scavenger Hunt in Coconut Grove. Who will be first to find the Hare Krishna temple? Picnic in Peacock Park. Feel free to register for other stuff, too. Just keep in mind that we're up late at night - bring an alarm clock if you'll be getting up before the rest of us. What else should you bring? We never know what the weather is going to be like, so you'll need to bring warm and cool clothing, and plenty of bedding. Plus you may want your music, toiletries, beach wear/toys/accessories, sun screen, hair products, soccer balls, frisbees, dancing shoes, costumes, musical instruments, song books, money if you got it, and other legal substances you can't live without for a week. Since we can get kind of piled on top of each other, you might not want to bring things that are fragile or can't get dirty. And remember, SWIM is about living in an intentional community - so you can also leave at home any behavior that would be destructive. |
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