The Big Picture
This Year's Theme
SWIM Mission
SWIM Vision
UUA Principles
SWIM Community
Directors Letter
SWIM Community
Volunteers at SWIM
SWIM Organization
Message from the Board
Current List of Trustees
Election of Trustees
SWIM Programs
Worship at SWIM
Evenings at SWIM
Children's Programs
Jr. High Programs
Teen Programs
Outdoor Adventures
Typical Daily Schedules
Before and After SWIM
Coming to SWIM
Registering for SWIM
What to Bring to SWIM
Health Concerns
SWIM Store
Directions to SWIM
SWIM 2000 Workshops
Art Deco New Years Eve Celebration
On New Years Eve, from 8pm to 10pm, the Dining Hall will be closed so that volunteer and 350 New Years Eve Decoration participants can continue ART DECOrating for the New Years festivities. Doors open at 10pm and we'll ring in the New Year in style. Wear your twenties & thirties best! Free champagne or Non-Alcoholic alternative for Winners of Best Costume and Charleston Contests at 11pm. Midnight snacks will be available while they last.
All-Camp Fair / Mardi Gras Fest
On Saturday/30th, we will gather for a festive, intergenerational afternoon of food, fun, and frolic as we make a name for ourselves as the only people stubborn enough to celebrate Fat Tuesday on a Saturday...in December! There will be games, there will be booths, there will be music, and yes, there will be FOOD. Just ask anyone who attended last years festivities about the Muffaletta sandwiches! Workshops and trips will be scheduled to avoid conflicting with our all-camp bash, which will end with a spectacular Cajun feast on the lawn. No need to register for this event.
We have workshops of almost every description for you to learn, grow, enjoy, play, and share while you are at SWIM. There will be a notice posted at SWIM telling you where each of the workshops will be held.
Many of our workshops are intended for participants of all ages. Children, Almost Teens, and Teens are encouraged to sign-up!
We need to know how many people plan to take each workshop early enough that our leaders can come prepared please pre-register! Some workshops may fill up early; others may be cancelled depending on advance registration. You may add a workshop, if it is not filled, up to the time it begins. We also appreciate participants who finish the workshops that expect attendance for more than one session.
Now is the time to think about workshops that others might enjoy next year at SWIM. Our planning deadlines force us to invite workshop proposals rather early, so be looking for our solicitation early next summer. Workshop leaders are generously rewarded with hugs, love and a SWIM T-shirt!
100s are mornings, 200s are afternoons, 300s are all-day, and 400s are evenings. The second digit in the workshop number indicates the day during SWIM (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, with 0 for multi-day workshops).
Morning Workshops
100 Morning Yoga
Gentle exploration of yoga postures and breathing exercises and how they act upon us.
Jack Bazuzi practices Yoga regularly and leads a Yoga group at his fellowship in Blacksburg, Virginia
Free. WednesdaySaturday, 8am8:30am. All Ages.
101 Wicca and Beyond [limit 20]
Learn about Wicca, how it relates to other pagan traditions, its past and present, and how it relates to the great scheme of things. Recognize connections to the sacred circle of life in the assorted programs throughout this week, and discover resources for the coming year. Visit http://uucfl.org/cuups for more information.
Kip Barkley is a long time UU who maintains his connection to the Old Religion as an eclectic solitary.
Mary Ann Somerville has recently discovered paganism in the same way she long ago discovered UUism...click!
Recommended Reading: A Guide For the Solitary Practitioner, Scott Cunningham, Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul Minnesota, 1992. Drawing Down the Moon, Margot Adler, Beacon Press, Boston, 1986.
Free. Wednesday, Friday, 10am12noon. All Ages. Attendance at both sessions is preferred.
102 Making Brick Stitch Earrings
This workshop will provide the rudiments of bead weaving the classic triangular earrings also known as Comanche style. Learn the basics with easy to use "Delica" size 8 seed beads and after that create your own designs or follow published patterns. You might even make your own glitz for New Years Eve!
Sharon Beecher has been making jewelry for over 10 years. SWIM participant Barbara Perlik taught Sharon how to make these earrings several years ago while they were both sitting outside the dining hall. Barbara unknowingly created a beady-eyed monster who is now obsessed with these tiny magical bits of glass light. Sharon's work has graced some of the nicest necks, ears, and other body parts of SWIM and SUUSI participants for many years. Most of the time Sharon is a serious school psychologist but deep inside she is a life-long crafty woman.
Fee $5. Thursday, Friday, 9:30am11:30am. Ages 12+, 10 with adult.
110 Go the Oldest Board Game
The oldest game is the newest game. Learn this game of strategy, patience and balance. Simple to learn and difficult to master, Go can be enjoyed by novice and skilled players alike.
Jack Bazuzi and his son Sandy Bazuzi love to play Go whenever possible.
Recommended Reading: http://igs.joyjoy.net/English/
Free. Wednesday, 10am11:30am. All ages.
111 A Walk Into Yourself, Labyrinth building and walking.
A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery that represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools. John and Marty will give some history and perspective of Labyrinths and then the class will build one, which will remain up for the rest of SWIM.
John Davis is a dowser, a recycler, and a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Hollywood, Florida. Marty McAnulty is a Pagan and a long time SWIM attendee.
Free. Wednesday 9:30am12:30pm. All ages.
112 Sex, Ecology and Spirituality
This is the title of author and researcher Ken Wilbers "big" book, currently getting much attention in UU circles (and a "favorite" author of Al Gore). Its a synthesis of Anthropology, Psychology, Religion, Spirituality, and more. His research reveals a definable path and pattern of consciousness growth heading toward an omega point. Everything you ever wanted to know about Wilbers research, and how to apply it to you and UUism, delivered to you in two hours.
Mark Evans grew up UU, majored in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, went into Personal Development, and had been looking for rational spirituality.
Fee $1. Wednesday, 9:30am11:30am. Ages 15+
120 Building an Endowment
In 1983, Kip started an Endowment program at the UU Church of Fort Lauderdale. Now it has assets approaching a quarter million dollars. Learn about successful planned giving programs, endowment options, newsletters, memorials, and building giving relationships.
Kip Barkley is a long time UU who enjoys both giving and saying "Thank You."
Recommended Reading: visit http://uucfl.org/pg
Free. Thursday, 10am12noon.
121 Getting A-Head in Watercolor [limit 10]
Using watercolors and paper provided, learn how to sketch a head and then render it in watercolor. Beginners will also get a brief introduction to color mixing. Bring brushes if you have any.
Emily Sokoloff has a BFA from Mass. College of Art and is a member of Miami Watercolor Society, Gold Coast Watercolor Society, and the Florida Watercolor Society. She is an active painter, has had watercolors accepted in many juried shows, and taught many beginners to paint successfully.
Fee $5. Thursday, 10am12noon. Ages 12+
122 Earth Magik
Earth magik is when we are in conscience contact with the web of life and the source of it all the earth, the ocean the trees the biosphere. This is an experiential workshop that looks at the Mother all around us and tries to see the Magik. Experience light, sound, trees, and scrying, a walk in a Labyrinth, and maybe a visit to an ancient tomb.
John Davis is a dowser, a recycler, and a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Hollywood, Florida.
Marty McAnulty is a Pagan and a long time SWIM attendee. They presented this workshop at the Hollywood Fellowship last year and decided to do a road show.
Free. Thursday 10am12noon. All ages.
130 No "if"s, "and"s or "but"s About It...
A Writers Empowerment Workshop: Weve always known how to write; were just going to inspire each other and enjoy writing together. If you wish, bring something to place on the altar of inspiration. By the end of the workshop you will be inspired by your own writing!
Elle Longs writing workshops have been a regular part of deBenneville Pines Camp and Conference Center for five years. Participants say they are amazed at how well they were able to creatively write during our workshops! One group published the proceedings from their workshop!
rebecca moon began writing to share the stories she was too shy to tell and to record the dreams that shed forget if she didnt.
Free. Friday, Saturday, 10am12noon.
140 A Tasting of Tea
Participants will learn the basics of tea, tea tasting terms and how to taste. We will then spend most of the time tasting various teas (real tea, not the flavored or herbal varieties). We will start with the generally available blended brands to tempt our taste buds and then move on to considerably more expensive "fine" teas.
Jon Hoskin, Ph.D., is a food Scientist, previously a university faculty member in Dairy and Food Sciences. He is a long time tea drinker (you cant taste beer all the time!)
Suggested Reading: The Book of Tea by Kakuzo Okakura and Jons web page: http://people.clemson.edu/~hoskin/tea.htm
Fee $5. Saturday, 10am12noon.
141 Origami for the Abundantly Impaired
In the past, the Japanese art of folding paper (origami) has been reserved for people with incredible patience (nuclear physicists), manual dexterity (brain surgeons), and an abundance of free time (incarcerated felons). This workshop is designed for those of us with none of those skills. Origami figures make lovely ornaments, party favors, altar decorations, and are a good way for recycling credit card receipts. In this workshop we will create some basic origami shapes and learn essential folds for creating your own designs. This is a low stress creative class.
The Rev. Alane Cameron Miles is our SWIM 2000 chaplain and has been doing origami since she was a child. She uses origami in sermons and in counseling terminally ill patients.
Fee $5. Saturday, 9:30am11:30am. Ages 8+
150 Panchos Never Ending Workshop
No workshop description is available because Pancho never knows what he will talk about until the workshop starts. Never-the-less, this is one of SWIMs most popular workshops. Step forward in faith and come.
Pancho is smart, loving man and excellent teacher who has done this with great admiration for years.
Free. Sunday, 9:30am11am.
151 Drying Blood, Chocolate Religion and the Metaphysical
An introduction to understanding chocolate while appreciating its religious significance. Close your eyes, listen and envision my version of the beginning of chocolate and its less well known ties to religion and the metaphysical. Some tasting but that will not be the emphasis.
Jon Hoskin Ph.D. is a food Scientist, previous university faculty member in Dairy and Food Sciences. His dissertation title was The nature of flavor changes during conching in chocolate manufacture: The role of free amino acids and sulfur compounds. He has published technical papers and essays on chocolate.
Suggested Books: Background novels: The Violent Land by Jorge Amado and Aztec by Gary Jennings and see my web page: http://people.clemson.edu/~hoskin/chocolate.htm
Fee $2. Sunday, 10am12noon.
152 Immortality, Eternity and UU
SWIM may feel like heaven, but technically it isnt. This workshop will explore concepts of the afterlife that are compatible with UUism. This is an excellent workshop for the millennium: if the apocalypse comes, well be ready to go. A travel guide to the afterlife will be provided for all participants and the format will be interactive and creative. (No lectures!)
The Rev. Alane Cameron Miles will lead this workshop. Alane is the 2000 SWIM chaplain and works as a community minister at a hospice in Virginia. Her qualifications on afterlife studies include having been mistaken for the angel of death on more than one occasion.
Fee $4. Sunday, 9:30am11:30am. Ages 10+
Afternoon Workshops
200 Mens Group
What does it mean to be a man in this era? Feeding families used to require the upper body strength of a man to plow and hunt. Technology has rendered that unnecessary, but 60% of women say financial support is their #1 criteria for selecting a man. Hunting, fishing and camping is the number #3 expense of men. Who are we? And what are we doing? Join us, and maybe we can help each other figure some of this out.
Leader Bob Jacober has been a man all his life and regularly leads this group at SWIM.
Free. WednesdaySunday, 3pm5pm. Drop in.
201 Circle of Women
Join together as women for friendship, support, sharing our stories, laughter and tears. As in years past, format and facilitation will be decided by participants.
Janice McArthur volunteered to get the group started last year and will continue the tradition this year.
Free. WednesdaySunday, 4pm til Dinner. Drop in.
203 Smoked Salmon and Beef Jerky
An interesting way to dry and preserve Fish and Meats. A healthy way to prepare for emergencies, snacks, traveling, and cooking. Dry and smoke almost any kind of meat. Simple, easy, fun and tastes good, too.
Big John Surkan is a house husband that loves dried and smoked foods.
Fee $5. Friday 2:30pm-4:30pm, Sunday 5:30pm6pm. Ages 10+
204 Introduction to Drumming
Learn the basic strokes of hand drumming along with rhythms from a variety of cultures. Emphasis on becoming familiar with the sounds of your drum and confident with your ability to join a drum circle. This workshop is for those who have always wanted to play a drum but for whatever reason have put off learning how. This is your chance to turn your finger tapping into music! Materials bring a drum or drum-like instrument like a tambourine, 5-gallon bucket, oatmeal container or coffee can. Shakers, maracas, and other percussion instruments are also welcome. Attendees of this workshop are encouraged to also register for 722 Drum Exhibit trip Friday afternoon and participate in the drum circle Thursday evening at 8:15pm.
Martha Slover has been drumming for 1-1/2 years, playing both a frame drum and a hand drum. She initially studied with a professional drummer who introduced her to the world of rhythm and the many sounds of drumming from around the world. Her current passions are African polyrhythms and rediscovering ancient European drumming roots. She belongs to two drum circles. Her day job is Environmental Education at George Mason University.
Fee $4. Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, 1:30pm3:30pm. First session is required. Ages 14+
210 Sampling the Sensual Six Pack on Wednesday
Previously known as Beer Exchange, participants must bring 1 six-pack of lager, ale or barley wine to each offering. Preferred beers do not include those of the big bland America (or foreign) brewers but rather favorites such as those locally produced or anything of exceptional quality and interest. Tasting of the above with lively conversation, or not, as the mood dictates, in a laid-back environment. Although scheduled for the first two afternoons, it continues as the supplies last often all week.
Jon Hoskin Ph.D. is a food Scientist and previous university faculty member in Dairy and Food Sciences. He has also evaluated beer for "The World Beer Review."
Suggested Books: Pocket Guide to Beer by Michael Jackson (Simon and Schuster). Also see: http://people.clemson.edu/~hoskin/beer.htm
Fee: A good six-pack as above. Wednesday, 4pm6pm. Ages 21+
221 Sampling the Sensual Six-Pack on Thursday
Fee: A good six-pack as above. Thursday, 4pm6pm. Ages 21+
211 The Indo-European Languages
Many of the languages of India and Europe (including English) have a common origin. Discover linguistic interconnections that go back thousands of years. Look up "name", "mother", "father", "axis", or "dental", in any good English dictionary you will see the origin is Indo-European (IE) and Sanskrit.
Sid Kere has graduate degrees in physics and engineering and an interest in languages. He is familiar with several Indian languages including Sanskrit.
Free. Wednesday, 2pm4pm.
212 Polyamory Basics
The capacity to love is boundless! Polyamory is an umbrella term for several types of non-monogamous relationship styles. Explore new relationship paradigms. Imagine transforming jealousy into joy. Learn about polyethics, radical honesty, negotiating skills, exploring limits and assumptions. There are many ways of loving more.
Judy Montgomery is a licensed clinical social worker of 13 years, working in an HIV service agency as a psychotherapist. She has been in a successful open relationship for 6 years, 2 of which have been in a stable and exuberant polyamorous relationship of 5. She is currently the board president of the Unitarian Fellowship of South Florida (Hollywood). There will be other "polys" there to discuss their lives, problems and joys.
Fee $1. Wednesday 1pm5pm. Ages 21+
220 Tie Dyeing on Thursday
Its not just for kids its for everyone creative of spirit and fashionable of soul. Learn not just how to make circles, but spirals, arrows, stripes and more. Learn what dyes are truly colorfast, bright and beautiful and how to permanently set them. Dont leave SWIM unadorned. Workshop fee covers enough dye for one t-shirt. For more items, or larger items, please bring an additional $3 per item to the workshop. A small number of white t-shirts will available at an additional charge and you can bring your own. Sign up for one, two, or three days.
Allen Bergal has been making and selling tie dyed shirts for years. He has regularly taught tie dying to the SUUSI youth.
Fee $3. Thursday, 1pm4pm. All ages.
230 Tie Dyeing on Friday
Fee $3. Friday, 1pm4pm. All ages.
240 Tie Dyeing On Saturday
Fee $3. Saturday, 1pm4pm. All ages.
222 Psychic Awareness
Share your experiences, learn how to read objects (psychometry), do magnetic healing, visualize powerfully, perform muscle testing to determine useful herbs, supplements and foods for you and others and which ones to avoid. Bring your curiosity, supplements, a pillow and towel or blanket.
Judy Montgomery has 20 years experience as an intuitive Tarot reader teaching this class and many others over the years. She has been a Reiki Master for 7 years.
Fee $1. Thursday 1pm5pm. Ages 14+
231 The State of the Universe
What went on in the universe last year? Big telescopes and what they see. Antarcticas lost lake found bigger than the great lakes. The melting of the North Pole. Moores Law. The fate of life at the end of the universe. The Templeton Prize. Quantum Computers. Brown Dwarfs. Dark matter and much, much more.
Ron Edge is a Distinguished Professor of Physics Emeritus at the University of South Carolina. Past President of the American Association of Physics Teachers. He has researched at Cambridge, Aarhus, Stanford, Sussex, Munich, Witwatersrand, the Australian National Universities, California Institute of Technology, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, and the Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center. He also rings bells and plays the accordion, though not all at the same time.
Free. Friday, 2pm4:30pm. All ages.
232 Beginning Fan Flicking
You will learn the rudiments of personal (as opposed to electrical) fan use. This technique was taught to Sharon by a genuine Southern Belle and she is now ready to pass it on to the future generations of fan enthusiasts. After this course, participants will be able to flick with the best Twelve Oaks has to offer. Advanced students will also learn to "fiddle-dee-dee" and "worry about that tomorrah." Fans will be available for purchase for $2.
Sharon Beecher is a genuine River Nymph of over 10 years SWIM and SUUSI attendance. Due to circumstances beyond her control she was not born a Southern Belle but has worked hard to rectify that situation for the past 25 years. She flicks fans whenever they come to hand. Georgia blood runs through her veins, her skin is peachy, and she can yall with the best!
Free. Saturday, 3:30pm4:30pm. All ages and genders.
241 Poetic License
Whether written in a moment of passion or as a more intellectual exercise in expression, most of us have at least one poem stashed. In a safe, non-judgmental community, read, share poems you have written, or read from your favorite poet. This is NOT a poetry slam. We are all winners here. There may be discussion of the impact of the poem, the catalyst for writing it or whatever you wish to share. The guiding principle comes from Mary Oliver: "For poems are not words, after all, but fires for the cold, ropes let down to the lost, something as necessary as bread in the pockets of the hungry." Open to poets, poet wannabes, and lovers of words of all ages.
Carole Anderson is a psychotherapist in private practice and the Executive Director of an organization providing shelter and services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault crisis response and shelter to homeless families. She recited her first poem at age three (ask her, she will still do it, but has to stand on a chair). Described as an unabashed writer of pitiful poetry and a lover of words, she writes because it is cheaper than getting her own therapist.
Fee $4. Saturday, 1:30pm3:30pm. All ages. Under 10 must be accompanied.
242 Smoked Vegetables and Fruit
An interesting way to dry and preserve vegetables and fruit. A healthy way to prepare for emergencies, snacks, traveling and cooking. Dry and smoke almost any kind of fruit of vegetable. Simple, easy, fun and tastes good too. Samples to eat or take home.
Big John Surkan is a house husband that loves dried and smoked foods.
Fee $3. Saturday 2:30pm4:30pm, Sunday 5:30pm6pm. Ages 10+
243 Prepare For Y2.001K. Dance the Charleston!
Last New Years we had to be prepared for the Y2K Bug. This New Years we need to be prepared to dance the Charleston (and maybe compete in the Charleston Contest) at our Art Deco Speakeasy, which will be the theme of SWIMs New Years Eve Party this year.
Nancy McDermott is a hot little number herself and can teach you to dance.
Free. Saturday 3pm5pm. Ages 14+
All-Day Workshops
330 Hispanic Immersion
Learn basic pronunciation, greetings, shopping vocabulary, and restaurant vocabulary in the morning. Then, in the afternoon, travel to Calle 8, the heart of Little Havana, to experience one of the best-known ethnic neighborhoods in the USA. Try out your Spanish in Cuban grocery stores, Latino record shops, a Cuban cigar factory, or a santeria store. After approximately two hours of browsing along Calle 8, we will go together to a nearby medium-priced Cuban restaurant for a leisurely dinner. Designed especially for beginners and near-beginners. Bring a small English/Spanish dictionary if possible and money for dinner and shopping.
Dr. Paula Heusinkveld, Professor of Spanish at Clemson University, and her husband, Jorge, lead this popular SWIM workshop.
Fee $6. Friday, 10:00am12:00pm and 3:00pm9:00pm. Ages 16+, 10+ with adult.
350 New Years Eve Decoration
Learn the secrets the pros use to magically transform an ordinary space into something special. You will learn how to create a mood with light, color, theme and planning. Then the practicum- transforming our dining hall in to an Art Deco Speakeasy for the New Years party.
Nancy McDermott and Lyle Baskin have been magically transforming spaces at SWIM and professionally for decades.
Free. Sunday 10am12noon, 2pm4pm, 8pm10pm. Drop in. All ages.
Evening Workshops
410 Rangering In the Glades
Get the REAL story of what it's like to be a National Park Service Ranger. Learn about alligators and panthers, orchids and carnivorous plants, other wonders of this subtropical wilderness next door to Owaissa-Bauer. See skulls, slides and artifacts from the Park that will delight and inform you.
Bob Merkel, a UU, SWIM and SUUSI regular, has been a National Park Service Ranger for the last 3 years in Colorado and in the Everglades.
Free. Wednesday, 8:15pm9:30pm. All ages.
420 Waltz & Meringue
After this brief introduction to Waltz, you should be able to Navigate the dance floor and perhaps put in a few turns. After warming up on the Waltz, well learn some of the simple basics of the Meringue. This is a dance that is easy to learn and fun to improvise. These lessons assume absolutely no dance experience, so if you cant dance at all or you want to show off what you know, you definitely should attend.
Chris Jenkins participated in Dukes first ballroom dance formation team, and has taken intermediate and advanced lessons at the University of Texas for the past two years. He has experience leading, following, and instructing at the beginner level.
Free. Thursday, 8:15pm9:30pm. All ages.
421 Treadmill To Heaven
David and Andrea Cox were life-long members of The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints, also known as "the Mormons." In January of 1998 they left together under dramatic circumstances and eventually found out about UU beliefs through an Internet support group for ex-Mormons. David and Andrea will explain their odyssey of growing up Mormon, rising through the cults ranks and slowly realizing they were captive to a fear-based faith with an intriguing history. This expos will include personal experiences presented through a variety of media, plus perhaps a discussion about how groups define their identity.
Andrea Cox is a certified carpenter and home schools.
David Cox is an Attorney and Vice-President of a software company.
Suggested Reading: Please check out the following web site for background information relevant to this workshop: http://members.home.net/davidcox1/index.html.
Free. Thursday, 8:15pm9:30pm.
430 Swing from Coast to Coast
When most people think of swing, they probably think of East Coast swing or Lindy. This lesson will cover East Coast and West Coast swing. Whats the difference you may ask? Plenty, but to know, youll have to come find out. These lessons assume absolutely no dance experience.
Chris Jenkins participated in Dukes first ballroom dance formation team, and has taken intermediate and advanced lessons at the University of Texas for the past two years. He is experienced at leading, following, and instructing dance at the beginner level.
Free. Friday, 8:15pm9:30pm. All Ages.
441 Congregational Polity A Brief History And Discussion
Ask this question at a UU event: Who runs this place? Its a safe bet that the answer will be: We do we, the members. You have just been given a definition of "congregational polity" the form of autonomous self-government that has characterized our congregations. Come and get some history and have a discussion about what has been called the strength and weakness of Unitarian Universalism.
Marty McAnulty is an 18-year UU and a life long seeker. He is still amazed at the UU movement.
Free. Saturday, 8:15pm9:30pm.
443 Zydeco Dancing
From the Bayous of the Mississippi River Delta comes a folk dance tradition with roots in France and Spain. An exhilarating but simple step. Come learn how. Beginners welcome.
Florence Cohen is a great dancer and has taught many dance workshops at UU institutes.
Free. Saturday 8:15pm9:30pm. Ages 14+